Facilitating productive dialogue honoring each individual's concerns
To create strong, mutually satisfying contracts
Mediation is a process that has proven time and time again to be an effective way to resolve conflicts between two or more parties. It is a confidential, neutral, and voluntary process that requires a skilled facilitator. Confidentiality provides a space where the involved people can feel secure in sharing the more vulnerable ideas and emotions that are resulting from the conflict at hand. As a neutral facilitator, it is my job to ask questions, make observations and guide the process. It is NOT my job to take sides, give advice or decide who or what is right or wrong. That the mediation process is voluntary means that everyone involved has agreed that they would like to solve the issue and are willing to come to the table with authenticity, requests for what they'd like to see change and remain open to how they may change as well.
Mediation with C.C.S. is especially effective for small groups (under 6 people), families and couples.
It generally takes 2-4 two-hour Mediation sessions to come to a finalized agreement. After a final agreement has been reached, you will have a 30-day follow-up phone call to see if any adjustments or new Mediation sessions are necessary to maintain the original agreement. Mediation Agreements made with C.C.S as your facilitator are not legally binding documents. Please feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns or to schedule an intake phone call to see if Mediation is the right service for you.